Pill 1 - Quality controls and Market Withdrawals
Quality controls are a fundamental part of production. Every company carries them out on a daily basis, but in spite of this, withdrawals from the market, or more generally quality incidents, are all too frequent.
It is not uncommon for checks to be recorded in a disjointed manner at the end of production, on forms that are too generic, not adapted to the product, the production and the customer.
In order to ensure quality controls in line with the company's objectives, the company defines which controls should be carried out in production and how often. The planning of the controls is done by means of paper or Excel sheets, the controls are designed to include all possible deviations, and it is the operator who determines which ones to do and which ones to avoid. It is not possible to assess with absolute certainty when the controls are carried out by the operators.
Traceability is left to paper files, and evidence of deviations from successful parameters is not brought to light effectively in time for timely action.