IMS OneTools
The IMS OneTools IMS system analyzes the product requirements on the basis of orders (delivery) and possible orders (SalesOrder) from customer and compares them with the production capacity, site storage and deliveries from the different warehouses.
In a network of distribution sites (Distribution Center), store (internal and external), the system is able to identify, critical products and to highlight any possible solutions such as transportation from external warehouses or alternatively the supply (refurbishment) from other distribution sites.
Through an interface that can display critical, and all necessary information to be resolved, the user is able to decide in advance how and whether to resolve any critical issues (changing the order, request for production, two drivers etc ..).
Exploiting the interconnection with SAP, the system is able to define the products and the quantities which each distribution site must send to other sites to meet the needs of the network. IMS OneTools also provides information relating to the ability to bring forward orders earlier on the basis of products in stock, net of shipping needs and up to the analysing of the future of the critical areas in the various stores of the network.
IMS OneTools is a product capable of supporting decisions on the loads and warehouse management in the short and long term. Integrated with TAC, it provides daily for dispatchers, and solutions to advance critical forecasts.